L’Observatoire Ivanhoé Cambridge a organisé une conférence de Martijn Kuller, invité par Danielle Dagenais, à la Faculté de l’aménagement de l’Université de Montréal et en ligne sur ZOOM le vendredi 25 mars 2022 de 11h30 à 13h (en anglais).
« Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) such as urban wetlands, rain gardens and green roofs can create healthier, safer and cleaner cities. But only if we plan them well. This is a complex task considering the multitude of factors influencing successful BGI planning. Urban planners, developers, water managers and other stakeholders collectively need to answer diverse questions such as: Where is available and affordable space? Where do we need water retention in rainstorms? Who (should) benefits from the systems? Just to name a few. During this seminar, I will explore these questions, and propose an systematic way to answer them using tools and models. While the task of urban planning is traditionally a municipal responsibility, a range of other stakeholders can drive urban change. Particularly interesting is the role private developers can play in this process, and how they can benefit from tools and models traditionally targeted at public planning agents.«
Martijn Kuller est docteur (PhD) et chercheur à l’Eawag – Institut Fédéral Suisse des Sciences et Technologies de l’Eau et à l’Université Laval.